Promote your business and services first-hand by hosting a networking event at your place of business. Mix and mingle with fellow Chamber Members and establish relationships with professionals in the community.
The Chamber is responsible for managing all registration fees, check-in at the event, and program during the event.
Third Thursday Mixers are conducted on the third Thursday of every month from 5:30 – 7:30 PM. Mixers are hosted at rotating Chamber Member businesses. The host is responsible for providing light appetizers and alcoholic beverages for approximately 50-75 guests. Each guest will receive two drink tickets. Are you interested in hosting but don’t have a kitchen? Consider partnering with one of our Chamber Member restaurants to cater the event.
Networking at Noon is hosted on the first Tuesday of every month from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at rotating Chamber Member restaurants. The host is responsible for providing lunch (plated or buffet) to all hosts. A portion of each registration will go back to the restaurant to cover costs.
If you are interested in hosting a Third Thursday Mixer or Networking at Noon, please fill out the form below. The Chamber will be in contact with you to discuss details and select a date.
Must be a Chamber Member in good-standing to host.