Government Affairs Committee
The Dana Point Government Affairs Committee focuses on public policy and legislative action that supports the growth of business in Dana Point. This is a not a reactive group, but a proactive committee designated to inform lawmakers of the legislative positions of our local business community.
The Public is Welcome to attend our Government Affairs Forums. Click here to access our Calendar of Events.
When applicable, presentations will be available online after the forums.
Request for Action
The Government Affairs Committee is committed to reviewing, developing, and supporting issues that promote a positive, pro-active economic environment for business development and growth.
We invite you to fill out the Request for Chamber Action form to share your issue with the Committee at the next meeting.
The issues raised by chamber members will be evaluated by the Government Affairs Committee with a recommendation to the Board of Directors of the Dana Point Chamber of Commerce.
Procedure followed by Government Affairs Committee regarding an issue:
- Request and confirm factual information offered by all interested parties, in a timely manner.
- Determine who will be affected by the issue.
- Determine how the issue will impact the business membership and community.
- Provide the Chamber Board information in advance of the board meeting.
- Offer opportunity for the Chamber Board to submit questions regarding issues.
- Make committee recommendation of a position for Chamber Board to approve.
After analysis Chamber Board will:
- A significant allocation of resource; written public advocacy backed by the full support of the Chamber.
- A moderate allocation of resources; periodic communication with Chamber members.
- A minimal allocation of Chamber resources; one or two notices to Chamber members.
Retrospective Review of Procedure
After the determination of an issue, the Government Affairs Committee & Board will review the process taken by asking:
- Were the facts thoroughly reviewed and independently confirmed?
- Was information properly sought from all interested parties?
- Are there any conflict of interest not disclosed?
- Was the decision consistent with the results of the standards applied?
- Was the decision consistent with the stated ideals of the Dana Point Chamber of Commerce?
- Would a second group of disinterested review committee members likely reach the same decision or draw the same conclusions?
- Did our membership agree with and/or support our committee decision?
- Did we develop sufficient information, leadership and communications to positively impact the outcome?
Looking to contact your local elected officials? Click on the button above to find who represents Dana Point and the best way to contact them.
Interested in learning more about issues effecting businesses? Click the button above to go to the CalChamber legislative site for useful information.
Government Affairs
Legislative Resources
City Government City of Dana Point 33282 Golden Lantern St Dana Point, CA...