Our committees are dedicated to meeting the needs of the Dana Point business community. Please view our Calendar of Events for an up-to-date list of upcoming committee meetings.
Ambassadors: Volunteer members who are an information conduit to Chamber members; providing Membership, Marketing, Networking & Legislative Information. The Mission of the Ambassador Committee is to represent the Dana Point Chamber of Commerce as an interface with its members and the business community and their needs as well as support the Chamber in the increase and retention of members. Meets monthly, the second Tuesday of each month.
Government Affairs: Centers on public policy and legislative action that supports the growth of business in Dana Point. This is a not a reactive group, but a proactive committee designated to inform lawmakers of the legislative positions of our local business community. Meets monthly and for special events.
Finance: Provides oversight to the Chamber’s financial operations, monitors normal operating venues and expenses and adheres to the budget established beginning each fiscal year; duties include reviewing financial transactions of the Chamber, making recommendations for adjustments. Meets monthly, the second Tuesday of each month
Citizen of the Year/Business of the Year: These committees are comprised of former recipients of COTY/BOTY and present awards at the Annual Dinner & Awards Night at the start of each year.